
Showing posts from March, 2020

My first experience with Spotify team health check

My first experience with Spotify Team Health Check For some time I was thinking about checking my team's satisfaction (or health) in more scientific way than using the best method ever - "just talk", or collecting information from individual people via one on one sessions. Previously I was using some satisfaction surveys - with quite good effect. However this time I wanted to go for more and make this exercise more interactive, closer to people. I was hoping to get better response, more honesty and openness than in case of online/email survey. While looking for more interactive way I came across Spotify's Squad Health Check, an interesting tools which I decided to experiment with. The method is based on physical meetings, but there are easy ways to conduct these procedures online – so don’t worry, you’ll be able to make use of it even working from home! What it's all about? You can read this Health Check as replacement for satisfaction surveys or even c