
Showing posts from February, 2020

The Agile paper plane factory

The Agile paper plane factory Some time ago I was looking for some interactive scrum simulation which is interesting and makes use of something different than Lego bricks :)  Recently my current team had opportunity to meet in person and work in one location for couple of days so I started looking even harder for some interesting activity.  And I found that - paper airplanes game. I must say the game is really great and shows power of working in sprints, planning, retrospectives in very nice form. I would recommend it not only for teams who are new in Agile or Scrum but also for more experienced people. What do you need? 1. Depending on number of people but you would need a room with table for each of teams 2. For each team you need decent amount of sheets of paper so they can build as many planes as possible 3. Flip chart and several sharpies 4. Tape measure How to play the game? Teams: Divide your group into several (at least two) teams - 5 - 6 people each.

First :)

First post... Doesn't matter how hard I try, I know that there won't be any magic in first post. So - stay tuned for incoming, I hope interesting content!